Thursday, March 22, 2012

Chapter 4 - Unbreakable

Reem’s Perspective:

Elyazyh:  AAAAHH mno ??
We hid under the chair, I could feel my heart racing to get out. As those footsteps came closer and closer, it stopped that’s when my heart dropped and the person spoke.
 ..: Haha look at your faces!!
Those laughter were familiar to me could it be? I lifted my head as I saw his face I jumped from my place and began hitting him. Elyazyh was sill coving her face with her small hands like a baby.
I gave up my hands began to hurt while I was beating him because of his muscular body.
 ..: Are you done because I’m bored?.
Ugh y8har, I know your wondering who is that. Well this is Khalifa he is one of my closest cousins he is like my brother since I don’t have any siblings. We grew up together he would always take care of me when my parents are gone, in addition he is Mayed’s best friend. Now back to reality I looked down and found Elyazyh still in her place too scared to move.
Me: Yazooy what are doing goomy its Khalifa are you that scared haha?
She looked around trying to figure out what happened like she is a spy, seriously yazooy?
 Elyazyh: Oh ok sorry ya3ni sho I was scared -,-.
Me: Khalifa how did you know were here?
Khalifa: Mayed called me and told me to come here and to look out for you both since your home alone.
 I nodded while Elyazyh went up stairs to bring her phone.
Me: Do you know when my parents are coming?
Khalifa: Yea probably next week but they’re not sure about the date.
As we were talking Elyazyh came down quietly terrified to make noises with her slippers. Something happened I knew Eyazyh too well, she came and sat beside me along with her eyes were on the phone's screen.
Me: balach yazooy? Elyazyh: mmm nothing.
And she gave me a weak smile.

Elyazyh’s perspective:
How can I tell her ? When should I tell her but defiantly not now I cant. I could hear my heart beats getting louder and louder tears began forming in my eyes. I tried holding them in not allowing them to flow on my cheeks. I wasn’t able to breath and for that I gave up and broke down burying my face with my cold hands.

Khalifa came to me asking what’s wrong and Reem one the other hand is trying to calm me down. I attempted to hide my phone, Khalifa noticed so he took my phone and opened the screen… confused of what was written. He looked at me and back to Reem.

Reem: Sho mstwy laish t9e7een yazooy tell me, Khalifa sho maktoob.
He gave her the phone, she widened her eyes while reading the text. Why does this had to happen to me again? Why can’t this stop?
Reem: Mta 6rashlch hal message w kaif 3raf ra8mch?
Me: Just before couple of minutes w I don’t know min wain he took my number I never talked to him since last year.
 Khalifa: Hold on mno hatha? W kaif chi ygool el chalb ?
 He clenched his fist trying to calm himself down holding his temper. I sat strait up wiping my nonstop tears away and breathed heavily.
Me: This is Rashid, we met last year in the mall when I was with my friends they introduced me to him. We began talking as friend and I began falling for him, we were in a relationship for one year. Stupid me I didn’t make out that he was a player. He was cheating on me the whole time and I fell in his trap, Reem used to warn me of him but I was stubborn that I didn’t care. I stopped talking to him ever since I saw him hanging out with my friend laughing as if I didn’t existed.
I couldn’t stay still I laid my head on the side of the sofa crying and allowing my warm tears to flow. I couldn’t hold that much pain inside my broken heart that has been suffering for a whole year.

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